Friday, August 27, 2010

St James School Writing Group

Friday 27th August 2010
We had an absolutely terrific session today. Everyone was involved in creating illustrations and providing information for the big final paste-up of the edible garden picture book that we have been working on for the last few weeks. We worked solidly from about 9.15 am to almost 12.45 pm. Enthusiasm was running so high, we could have easily continued all through lunchtime.
We decided to keep the 16 pages of the book separate so that if they need to be scanned they can be done page by page and then collated and bound after printing.
The students in this group, I think, have learned a lot about the need to plan and organize material for a book in stages rather than leaping in and trying to produce finished work in one go. The concept of making roughs is something that had to be learned. It doesn't seem to be natural to children to do this. I have really enjoyed working with this group and have become good friends with them. I'll be sorry to say goodbye on Monday at the end of our final session.
We have come a long way since our first morning together. It has been a most worthwhile exercise and one that I will always remember. I hope that the children feel the same and think back on this experience as something they really enjoyed and got something important from.

Gavin Bishop

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