Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Creative Coaching at Central Normal School : Student's Voices

I enjoyed having Diana helping me and giving me her opinion on my writing I enjoyed creating the characters for my picture book; I was not happy with my first attempt and had to create new characters, which I am pleased with how they’ve developed.

The most challenging thing for me was time-management. I found it hard to finish writing my short story, which hindered the start of my picture book.

I learned that it is not as easy, to produce a picture book, as it looks. And that your first ideas are not always your best, because I changed my story twice before I was happy with it.

Stephanie Kelly

I have really enjoyed having Diana Neild coaching us and playing her saxophone and flute to our characters (she was awesome!).

Keeping on top of all the homework was a bit challenging as I’m not really used to that amount; but I did get it all done on time. One of the things I have learned in these sessions with Diana is that the process of making a picture book doesn’t happen over-night.

Miss Katon’s character composting seems to have helped in the development of my main character ‘Little Bunny’, who is based upon my friend Anna, my Mum and myself.

Shannen Petersen

I’ve really enjoyed how we turned nothing into great characters and cool stories! Coming up with a title was very challenging, so I had to get Diana to help me.

I learned what the process of making a picture book was; it was very, very, very exciting, a lot of fun and masses of hard work. I am very proud of my book.

Anna Reynolds

I’ve really enjoyed going through the publishing process, and having Diana in was helpful. ALL Miss Katon and Diana’s amazing ideas helped me sort out a plan to achieve my finished product.

The most challenging thing was doing all the illustrations and going through the roughs and story-boards; it took quite a while.

I have definitely now learned how to rhyme. Before I came to Writing Extension I did not rhyme specifically to carry my story-line, rather I just used random words. I can now rhyme well and I do this by just changing a word or sometimes even a whole line. I have learned to stick to the story-line whilst rhyming.

Brittany Tyler-Whiteman\

I have enjoyed having Diana having Diana Neild help us with our picture books, alongside my teacher Miss Katon. Diana showed us the publishing procedure, which helped us a lot. Now I know that writing and illustrating a book is not as easy as it looks.

My first big challenge was that my original story was too complicated. It had a lot of characters and it was hard to get a story-line that would maintain interest for the reader. It got a bit muddly and Diana and I discussed it and decided that I needed to change my story. I use animal characters in my new version, instead of humans, and I used a much simpler story.

I am really proud of my illustrations and I loved using tissue paper to do them.

Nikita Taylor

I have enjoyed working with an actual NZ writer (Diana Neild), and having the opportunity to be in Writing extension. The thing that I found challenging was the amount of homework that we had to do. I’m just not used to it.

I have learned a lot about making a picture book, it’s been really fun and I hope I can do it again next year.

Zara Matson

I really enjoyed making my picture book. Three words that explain Writing Extension, IT WAS HARD! Especially having Miss Katon gently encouraging me to do the work required each night (the famous bollockings!).

The most challenging part was figuring out what to write.

Diana made ‘my poor book’ into something really exciting. We changed the tense, the grammar and a few other things to create impact and help it flow.

I learned a lot about time-management (if you don’t do the work on time, Miss K will gently remind you!).

Joshua Beattie

PS I love you really Miss K xoxo

At writing Extension I have enjoyed learning the writing process and working with Diana Neild.

Illustrating the book was the hardest (although I love art) with all of the gluing and painting, but I really enjoyed learning how a book was made and developing my characters.

There was a lot of homework, but I kept on top of it with the help and encouragement of my lovely mother, Miss Katon. It has been funny (as in strange and different) working with Miss K as it is not something we do often.

Daisy Roebuck

I’ve enjoyed writing a picture book with the help of Diana, she made it seem so natural. The most challenging thing was completing my illustrations and getting my character to look how I wanted it to.

I learned that Miss Katon wouldn’t lower her expectations in this class, if anything she made them higher.

Two words that describe Writing Extension, Hard work.

Next time I would like to put in more effort. My first story-line was a little confused and I decided to start again quite late in the term. I’m much happier with my new story and I’m proud of my achievements.

Maia Liddy.

I have enjoyed learning about the process of actually writing and illustrating my own picture book. It’s been a long journey back from where we started with human’s characters and lots of descriptions. I don’t think that I kept a single line of my first story. I guess the illustrating was the most challenging. It’s hard to make the characters look how you want them, but I’m really proud of what I have achieved.

It’s been a big help having a real writer working with us! Diana even did little tunes for our characters one day, with her flute and saxophone.

Georgia Berg

I have had an awesome time with Diana! I have enjoyed learning soooooo much about producing and publishing a picture book, what a fabulous ride!

The students have been amazing, and when you think about their ages, totally blows me away with what they have achieved.

We have all worked extremely hard to complete this project; it really is a huge undertaking for all concerned, but well worth the effort.

We still have our celebration to look forward to and I can’t wait to show off my wonderful students and their awesome work!

Tracye Katon


PS I love you too Joshie lol

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