Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Creative Coaching at Central Normal School Day 10

Today we had most of them working on final artwork, and just a few stragglers still needing text editing and a bomb under them. They’ve chosen a variety of techniques, and quite a few are doing a variation on Eric Carle’s style. Some are doing the tissue paper with paint (water colour), some with black art pen and some with colouring in pencil. Some have used computer images alongside free-hand drawing, and some have yet to decide and are driving us mad. We’ve decided to give them two more sessions and then they will have to have finished. This gives them a week, and then we’ll have our celebration. On the whole we are pretty happy with how they are turning out. The illustrations are moving the stories and are adding more detail to it – there is good visual interest. I still think that some of the stories would have been better not in rhyme, as it’s made the text a little clumsier than it needed to be. However, the children find rhyming really appealing and they still learned a lot in the process of writing it. They played with the feel and the sound of the words, and they’ve had to learn to change things and find new vocabulary when things would make rhyme or sense. Sometimes they’ve had to look outside word families (Tracye the teacher talking) and think of long and short vowel sound patterns and different spelling choices. So maybe it was a good thing for them to do, and the process was more important than the finished result.

Diana Neild and Tracey Katon

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