Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Last Day Ahipara Jody Curran

Last Day Ahipara School

Apirana began lesson by praising the students for the awesome poetry they have been writing. This was a real boost for their mana. I think this really captures the essence of the programme-creative writing coaches really inspires and encourages children to pursue their talent in writing. By hearing a renowned author and poet tell them they are awesome writers it really makes them believe in what themselves.

In the next part of the session we looked at writing plays.
They began by setting the scene and characters, such as in a kitchen, Sam and Joel, having an argument. Students then worked on writing 3 scenes for their very own play.

We then completed the lesson by sharing our writing from our sessions with Apirana. It was neat for the kids to hear Apirana read out their poems.

Next steps…Publish our poems and create posters for our new office area. We will then turn these posters into a book which can be shared with our school and other schools.

Thank you Apirana for the time you have spent at Ahipara School. The skills and mana they have gained from these four sessions will instil a passion for writing in them now and for their future.

Jody Curran

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