Tuesday, November 2, 2010

St John the Evangelist School Year 8 Writing Group Day 2

Day Two

This was a slightly shorter session than the marathon first one, and we got down to work promptly, to share the synopses the 16 students had prepared: ‘what my story is about.’

The aim was to hear their ideas on the general theme of mystery and adventure, and have a brief discussion about the options open to the writer, the voice they might use and the way they might simplify a story into the ‘one idea’ which works best in a short story format. I was pleased that many of them seemed to know where the story was finally going. The topics raised took us into many interesting places: touching on problems of lost children, racism, haunted schools, difficult or missing parents, bullying.

I reminded them that that even in a short story something has to change, but especially that in stories that have protagonists coping with some pretty tough subjects, it’s desirable for the reader to be left with some realistic sense of hope, some way forward for the characters.

The girls worked very well at this oral exercise, and with my departure were planning to get down to the actual writing of their first draft. I am to receive these by email from their teacher Pips Reddy by the end of next week, so that I have a chance to look at them and comment before I go again in a fortnight. I am grateful for the thoughtful support Pips and the school are providing.

Tessa Duder

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